Modern Diagnostics

Our team can only achieve the best results for you with a correct diagnosis. This is reason enough to have comprehensive diagnostic equipment at hand.
To avoid unnecessary dual burdens for you, we of course also draw on the diagnoses already available from the transferring hospital or on any ambulatory diagnostics. The past course of the disease and our own supplementary tests complete the picture of your medical condition. Our team of doctors then take this as the basis for a therapy concept which fulfils your individual needs.

Available Medical Examinations:

  • Ultrasound scan
  • ECG (prolonged and stress echocardiography)
  • 24 h blood pressure monitoring
  • Ergometry
  • Pulmonary function test
  • Haematological/clinical-chemical laboratory (analysis of the mineral and trace elements in blood and serum)
  • Gynaecological examination
  • Urological examination
  • Punctures

Special examinations which are acutely necessary are done in the nearby University Clinic, e.g.: CT, MRT.

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